Anon · 8mo

what's a trope or tag for skfs that you think you always gravitate towards to? -I know it could be fluff but that's so general so any particular fluff dynamic in that case :3?-

REEEEEEEEEE ohmigosh uhm uhm any kind of domestic fluff in particular, I will eat it all up, I swear. Particularly SukuFushi being parents (just the thought of skfs with kids gets me like HNNGGGHHHH).

I also love tropes like forced/arranged marriage (or relationships), where they both slowly fall in love with each other (but then are emotionally constipated to the point they won't admit it and everyone around them collectively facepalms). And I have a secret love for age-reversal tropes in particular because the thought of older Megumi with younger, pining Sukuna who's singularly obsessed with wifing him the minute he can is just chef's kiss

(I love this question btw anon dear, thank you!!)

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