Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

friend · 3mo
I'm a priv acc but it I had a public i would've 100% pointed the same thing out.
You can easily find pretty photos of boys in skirt/lingerie. I does feel kinda weird to me how almost everyone uses pictures of girls for camboy fics . ESPECIALLY incase of mnho like have you seen that man's thighs . Those stick legs in the picture don't do him justice!! (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

hi dear friend <3 thank you for stopping by and sharing this (this is my first RS I feel like blushing huhu).
ANYWAY yes, and referring to the last bit - even if people choose pics of cis girls, there ARE girls with similar physique and beautiful strong thighs..
why is it always 5’4 skinny petite girls?
My main concern is that i fear if those creators Do try to find guys in skirts, they just won’t like the look altogether. Do you get why exactly I am weirded out by this?
All that being said, of course it is up to the creators to choose whatever they want for their own works. If I don’t like it, I’ll scroll past it. I just couldn’t help but notice this.. trend.

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