
Don't be afraid to ask me REALLY weird shit~

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Call me fat~


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Professional force-feeder · 4mo

Cute doggo looks like they could clear out a whole factory of dog treats

Professional force-feeder · 5mo

Would Teacake (or Kaleido) like being stuffed until they cant fit anymore food in, even passed that?

Oh! They both thoroughly enjoy it! The tea is the one that will probably let you continue push more food down their throat even even after they are full! They would probably let you continue to feed them until something gives out, if you know what I mean~ uwu

Professional force-feeder · 8mo

Has Teacake ever tried to circumvent immobility? I'm imagining a wheelbarrow, or a skateboard, so that they can still move~

There have definitely been a few of those electric longboards... But those have weight limits too...

Professional force-feeder · 8mo

What's Teacake prefer? Immobile on their back, or immobile on their belly~?

Ohhhh, that's a hard one. I would probably say on top of their belly if given the choice.

Professional force-feeder · 8mo

What's Teacake's average daily routine like?

Hmmm... That kinda depends on her form. If she is in her quadrupedal form, she is probably just gonna go along with whatever her pretend owner wants to do. In her anthro form though, he actually does have a job! She gets up decently early and has a decent, but not ridiculous breakfast! She then goes to work as a witch's assistant for most of the day. That is actually where she learned to change forms because besides just working for the witch, the witch is also taking the opportunity to teach Tea a lot of the basics of magic. Once Tea gets home though, that is when she usually takes the opportunity to really indulge her appetite!

Professional force-feeder · 9mo

A belly big enough to get lodged into doorways~

Professional force-feeder · 9mo

Mobility is overrated!
Eating tons of food is superior!

Professional force-feeder · 9mo

m o n s t e r.
t h e d r i n k.

Professional force-feeder · 9mo

Can Kaleido fly at all with how fat he is?

Professional force-feeder · 9mo

Feeds you and feeds you and feeds you and feeds you and feeds you and feeds you and-

Professional force-feeder · 9mo

Teacake would be a great test subject for testing a brand new kind of batter!
Just put this tube in your mouth, and drink until you can’t fit any more in ya!
We’ll check back in a week or two!

Ooooh, you might want to keep an eye on me. I tend to have quite the insatiable appetite, and sometimes forget what limits are while enjoying unsupervised gluttony~ >:3

Professional force-feeder · 9mo

not rly a question but god i'd love to be sandwiched between bat tummy and corgi tummy

Professional force-feeder · 9mo

Teacake/Kaleido finds a cornucopia of endless food! How long would they be able to chow down before passing out~?

Depending on his starting size, Kaleido what gorge himself until that gut of his is as taut as a balloon! Teacake on the other hand... Oh boy. That dog has a tendency to keep eating and eating and eating until something completely gives out~ >:3

Professional force-feeder · 9mo

How does Kaleido feel about vore?

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