Anon bald club truther · 2mo

Hey about Chuuya’s favorite music. I don't think people mean it in that way. In canon; he said play me rock music or metal to Dazai. He answered also,that he liked Rock and Metal in Charchater interviews(not sure but I remember smth about it). He has an art about it too. He can like any genre. It is irrelevant. People think about rock and metal is because of what he says in canon. Not everything is an agenda. Relax you guys

Yeah, except my tweet wasn't about him not liking rock or metal? The reason I posted it was because a bunch of people started attacking an account just because they posted something about Chuuya listening to an artist they thought was incorrect. I don't mind anyone's opinion, it just gets annoying when people are so rude for practically no reason

Also yeah, I do think he likes rock and metal too, but it doesn't have to be limited shrugs

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