Anon bald club truther · 2mo

Rank these (SKK not there for ovi reason)
Bonus crack ship:NikolaixDazai

I think I would rank them differently depending on the context, but I'm gonna assume you want me to rate them based on my personal feelings so I will do just that wjfnwod

Starting off with Kunizai because I LOVE them, they're my otp nowadays so I think of them endlessly. I think they have tons of potential that people miss out on.
The second one is Odazai, which I love them in all ways but I mainly love them in a one-sided love/friendship way so that's why they come after kunizai.
As for the rest, it's more confusing😭 third one is between fyozai/ranpozai. Fyozai was my first bsd ship (after skk) and I love their dynamic. Romantic shipwise I'd pick them over ranzai, since I don't rlly ship ranzai. If it's about canon dynamics... then it'd be hard to choose
I feel bad for sigzai because they're also very cute, I just prefer other relationships over them for now😭since I don't think of them much
Nikozai sounds like an interesting pair! Idk if I'd enjoy them as a ship so they'd go at the bottom but the potential they have... amazing

I rambled quite a bit but yeah, this is it (kunizai on top!!)

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