Anon bald club truther · 2mo

HIII I missed when you posted this (I’m also procrastinating lol) How do you think SKK would use social media? I feel like Dazai would troll people (nothing too bad, just being an idiot) and Chuuya would hardly use it bc he’s always busy.

HI. I definitely agree with you, Dazai would most probably use his social media for the sake of trolling if he were to show his face LOL. He's one of those accounts that posts cringy borderline cursed stuff purely as a joke and has people either loving or hating him😭 But even without that, he's mainly doing everything for shits and giggles and gets a fanbase because of his charisma regardless. He'd also occasionally drop something very ambiguous like an aesthetic pic or a statement imo. Chances of him being anon is also high

Chuuya def just has an account that he only uses for official stuff, and maybe a spam one where he also posts pics of things he takes rarely. No one knows who he is

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