Anon bald club truther · 2mo

Do you ever think what if ango was never a spy and odasaku never died, therefore there's no reason for dazai to leave the mafia. On one side oda is still alive, but dazai never gets to leave, have his character growth, and stays under their control (somewhat). Will he be happy to have his friends around him or will he eventually realize 'okay what next, I didn't find anything here'
And have a nice day 🤍.

Honestly that's a really interesting thing to think about because it could go many ways😭 I can't imagine Ango NOT being a spy, but I have thought of Odasaku not dying and I'd assume that he would leave the pm with Dazai eventually ngl

I don't think there's a way for Dazai to be truly, actually happy in the port mafia. Ango and Odasaku managed to lift some of the weight off of his shoulders, but even then, Odasaku himself said Dazai still held them at arm's length. He was already in the process of self destruction, Ango's betrayal and Odasaku dying was just a catalyst that prompted him to change his life. Maybe he would have a comfort space if the Buraiha remained, but the only reason he truly started improving was due to Oda's words and the fact that he turned to the brighter side. Having friends is amazing and we know Dazai misses that more than anything, but there's only so much one can do when you're in an inherently toxic space. So I think he'd stay content for a while, but I don't know for how long that while would last for before the darkness consumed him too much (in all ways). After that, I think it depends on how deep he has stooped in. If he's a boss, I doubt he'd get to leave pm

Welp, this is long. Hope you're having a nice day too!

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