
Feel free to ask, I'll drop my mask. If you can't comprehend, I'll show the end. If you ask me what I mean, the gentle devil responds: this I glean. Just ask what my rhymes mean and I'll tell you

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See how the cheshire devil answers without answering


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inhahe · 4mo

I don't know how good of a metaphysician you are, but I want to hear a poet's answer for why anything at all exists or ever existed as opposed to there being nothing?

Whether you believe the universe is a product of science or a deity, the general consensus is it happened with spontaneity, so rather than focus on reason or logic, take the time to appreciate the beauty and frolic

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

What was your favourite song from a few weeks ago?

Risk Risk Risk is the devil's favorite song, though Jhariah's reach is not quite long

⁺ ⠀rumi ⠀ — ⠀𝜗𝜚 · 5mo

I'm genuinely amazed by your ability to effortlessly come up with rhyming words!! It's quite interesting. ^^ Moving on to a completely unrelated topic, what are your thoughts on weevils??

Few things are quite as resilient as the weevil, but to farmers and crops they may seem quite evil. Though their race we try to genocide, the weevil marches along, a passive stride

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Have you ever pet a bunny?

Bunnies black and brown, and white bunny who isn't a bunny. To be and yet not, that is funny

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

What would you do if you woke up with someone else next to you?

When one's night rest suddenly becomes two, I freeze and wait for some clue, on what the gentle devil is supposed to do

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