The Great Ape
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kit · 16d

what's the last book you read that you would recommend everyone try reading too?

I just so happened to finish re reading American Psycho recently for the 2nd time. I'm not sure if I could recommend it for everyone. It's extremely violent, vulgar, and full of every -ism known to humans. It definitely puts the movie into some perspective though. If you can handle the worst torture descriptions ever put to paper, yeah, it's great.

Anon · 19d

Why do you want to be a woman

Lemonheep · 20d

Pleroma, Misskey, or Masto?

I cut my teeth on Pleroma, buuut I gotta say that Misskey/Sharkey are my favorites right now. It's just so slick.

Anon · 20d

when did you realize you were trans?

When I was 14 probably. I actually almost started DIY'ing a long, LONG, time ago. Basically as soon as I realized AMAB's could be femme I wanted to be that. But I was too scared (and still am kinda scared, but I'm dont being afraid of what I want). Really the only reason I've waited so long was societal and family pressure. Being pressured on being a straight male with a normal marriage, house in the suburbs, is easy socially but mentally fucked me up. I finally snapped recently once I realized I can just say "no" and do what I want.

Anon · 24d

Im a reformed hater on the internet
Who did you used to hate that you don't anymore?

So this is one I'm shocked hasn't come up in my years on fedi already. So you know the meme about self hating gay / trans people being extremely -phobic? Well that was me for years of my life as a weird coping mechanism. And obviously, well, I'm neither straight nor cis.

Anon · 1mo

From your blog - "Pixel 6 Pro: While not rooted (yet) this does get an honorable mention for being my daily driver. Running Graphene OS Android 14"

Did you rooted it? Asking for a friend. Can you write a blog post about it, if you did so still running GrapheneOS, with instructions as if I- cough my friend was five?
Please and thank you.

I never ended up rooting it. I am still using graphene though with hardly any issues whatsoever. I could definitely write up instructions on how to install it or install it rooted though. It's actually one of the easiest phone os's to install if you go the no root path.

Anon · 1mo

Oh, look, an ordinary platypus.

Anon · 1mo


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