
Bunni/Eden || MoonBunny || Lvl 26 || He/They || DemiBun || Artist

The Moon
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Questions for the Bun!


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Handsonly · 7d

That sounds so delicious! What is Ube ice cream? Also I like you too! You are very adorable and kind! :))

Ube is basically this cake make from yams, and it looks like a REALLY pretty purple! I think it's the purple in them that dyes it that color, and while I haven't had the cake, I wanna try it if the ice cream is already yummy! I think it's origin is Filipino!

Seriously, look it up, I'd recommend it!

Flufflebuns · 7d

OKAY PLEASE DONT BE OFFENDED BY THIS!! But your character reminds me of that jackalope from bed fellows

Handsonly · 8d

Please tell us more about starchild! maybe a cute fact!

You're so sweet, I like you!

Hm...well, suppose something Roger and I spoke about is how they enjoy something what they call "The Purple". It's literally just ube ice cream, but they see it as the physical embodiment of purple if the color had a flavor.

So now whenever they want it, they say "I want The Purple!" And it stuck.

Having tried it myself, its very good. Wpuld recommend!

Handsonly · 8d

When did you join the furry fandom? Im thinking about making a fursona myself but I don’t know where to start :/

Hfjddmc yeah I guess I'm a part of that huh? I guess back when my friend made my official sona in 2021 lmao, though I have had another one! I gotta draw that one again...fennec fox and snow leopard hybrid lol.

I've been meaning to draw furry stuff. All the buns.

Honestly, go wild with it! I decided on a jackalope at first because i couldnt choose between a deer or bun, and my friend pointed out that jackalopes are a thing and bam! Then I found out wolpertingers are an actual cryptid (and not just a creature someone made up for their webcomic), and here we are xD

Make a hybrid, sparkledoggify it, go nuts!

RickTacular · 8d

How's Star doing :]

Starchild: "Hi hi hiiii! I'm doing okie dokie! Grampa Drunky took me to get some of the purple today! I think the actual name is...oobay?? It has a really funny name, but it's super duper good! It's my favorite thing in the universe! Well, no, there are lots of things that are my most favorite, but that's definitely one of them! Ooh, I should tell you my other favorite things! Let's see..."

*Seems Starchild will be at this for a while...

wist · 13d

i’m here to give ear scritches.

scritches your ear

that is all. love you, donut

I hate that I can't use gifs here ugh

But yis, ear scritches for bunbun pls

I love you too, turnip 💜

Flufflebuns · 13d

Hey I don’t wanna ask too much and bother. But is Roger doing okay? I noticed he deleted his account and his retrospring.

He's fine! I'm in contact with him and he's decided to take an indefinite break from everything, which I don't blame him for honestly.

If I didn't have a small business I wanted to get off the ground I'd be doing the same honestly lmao.

But yeah, he'll be alright! Social media is a pain in the ass anyways.

Flufflebuns · 14d

Have you considered a voice claim for Eden?

Well, I did consider Raine Whispers from Owl House as an idea! Even drew them in Raine's outfit lmao.

But if not exactly that, maybe an older sounding Crona...? Or a lighter version of Raine lmao

I'm still figuring it out.

wist · 17d

i wanna hear you gush about your Edèn oc :D any new headcanons? owo <3

Flufflebuns · 17d

Who is your favorite hazbij character and who is your fave helluva boss character?

Well if we're talking top faves, for Hazbin its Lucifer (sorry Al you've been dethroned lmao), and Helluva Boss its Stolas.

Im predictable with the dorky loser dads I know.

Handsonly · 16d

What is one interesting fact about yourself? :b


Well, I suppose Im distance cousins with PT Barnum of the Ringling Brothers. My greatx3 grandfather was a royal knight for the Queen Mother of England. Still have his sword too.

Well, guess that's two but hey they're interesting.

Flufflebuns · 15d

Kirby is claiming that he apologized to you. Is this true?

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