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Anonymous · 21d

I know very little about Hellaverse but do you have thoughts about what if Reigen & Mob ended up there

Anonymous · 22d

what’s mob’s favorite sex act?

I see Mob as someone who would love oral sex, both giving and receiving, but especially giving. He loves receiving because it's a form of sex that's gentle and soft to the touch while still being highly stimulating. He loves giving because he's an "acts of service as a love language" / "my partner's pleasure is my pleasure"-kind of guy in general, but there's a very particular joy he gets from hearing moans of approval as he goes down on them with his tongue and tasting them. (Obligatory "Mob loves milk" here)

crowtoes · 3mo

spin the kink roulette wheel and write a mini manifesto about why you like [kink of your choice]! obligatory question mark?

Anonymous · 3mo

How does it feel to have such excellent taste?

Anonymous · 1y

sexiest g-witch ending prediction?

Anonymous · 1y

What’s your favorite mp100 scene from each season?

Anonymous · 1y

what’s your favorite intimate details to read or write in fic? like tiny things between characters that never fail to make u smile or your heart clench up

melffyplayhouse · 1y

what have been your big interests lately? stuff like books, movies, games, etc.

Anonymous · 1y


NOT REALLY LOL..I'm very unimaginative when it comes to cocks and other genitalia (´• ω •`) Reigen is probably regular-size and Mob is...probably regular-size also...? I-I got nothing.

Anonymous · 1y

just wanted to say that you are cool

Anonymous · 1y

what's your favorite thing to write?

Even though I don't think I've actually published any stories of this nature (though I am working on a couple), I really love writing character studies and angst. It really puts me in that perfect "raw" mindset where I don't stress over whether my draft is polished or even coherent in its beginning stages, I just let the words flow out and sometimes that "messiness" of the first draft can lend itself to being more of a feature than a bug.

I also really enjoy that I don't have to write as much in the way of my nemesis: physical description.

Anonymous · 1y

What’s your favorite color combination?

Anonymous · 1y

what animals would mob and reigen be? twist: you can't pick any mammals.

Tempted to say Mob would be a frog, but I remember Bikinireigen drew Mob as a turtle and that was also adorably fitting. Reigen as a snake seems a little too easy to pick but it works (his theme even sounds like a snake charmer's). He'd be a non-venomous snake, of course.

Also going to potentially out myself here and say I actually have penguin headcanons and think Mob would be an Emperor penguin and Reigen would be an Adelie penguin (they're known to protect baby Emperor penguins!).

Anonymous · 1y

you are visited by a benevolent holiday spirit and receive one magic wish, but you can only use it on fandom things. what do you wish for?

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