Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 8mo

i hope this doesn't sounds creepy or annoying but... i screenshoot your medium, cause your writing is sweet, and i share it on my igs with boleh juga as a sound. i mean, kamu boleh juga... then you upload your video with the same song (maaf aku kayak delulu padahal sepertinya lagunya emang lagi trend) sambil pake dress lucu. ugh, i wish i could talk to you, but i'm afraid to knock your dm. so... ya, gitu:)

Halooooo! First of all, I'm flattered that you even post my writing on your ig, thank you for liking it 🥺🫶 sksjsksk lucu banget aku malu >< but but kalau mau ngobrol boleh banget kok DM ajaaa! Im a bad texter yang kalau reply bisa lama (huhu bad habit) tapi tapi im always open if you want to talk so don't hesitate do dm me! Sekali lagi makaci banyak yaaaa >__<

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