Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 1mo

lala you look so positive. i have the same appearance like you i mean im not tall im not skinny im not in those so called beauty standards but im not that confident with myself like you. do you mind to give me some advice to love myself more?


Actually, I'm also still struggling with self love and confidence, so i don't think i can give advice on it.

But since I've been struggling a lot with it for years, one thing i know for sure that comes out of being not confident is missing a lot of things and i don't want that to happen to me anymore.

So what i do is actually "fate it till you make it", i just pretend or force myself that i don't care about anything and allow myself to feel happy in the little things. Having an idgaf mindset is also helpful for me!

Menurutku, kayaknya di umurku sekarang kalau aku masih aja malu dan takut karena rasa nggak percaya diriku, sampai kapanpun nanti aku akan ketinggalan hal-hal baik yang seharusnya bisa aku nikmati dan apresiasi.

So just go out there and stop caring about what others might think (most of the times they don't even care anyway). Have fun!

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