silly · 25d

i just scrolled down to an older ask of yours and saw that you have left the riize fandom ☹️ i’m sorry to hear that the fandom is weird about rpf. i’m in a gg fandom that is weird about it too but i just try and curate my own tl on twitter so i don’t see too much of that discourse

i've still sort of got one toe in the riize fandom overall, but the ficdom itself... there are a lot of things that happened in rapid succession that just made me no longer want to participate. at least for a while and so much. i needed a break - a long one, and not just a tiny one that i kept telling myself was "long enough". i based so much of my fanfic self-worth on how fast and how much i was pumping out fics for riize, only for the fandom itself to turn and pretend to be disgusted by rpf when they engage with it themselves, just in different ways. it really sucks when fandoms do this to writers. i'm sorry that you also have to deal with a fandom that's weird about rpf, too :( probably one of the worst things about being a fic writer in kpop rn. i hope for both of us that it will get better soon, and if not, i hope that we're able to keep ourselves curated away from the weirdos witch hunting rpf writers

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