silly · 25d

i’m a hag kpop stan so the group i ult and their ‘core’ demographic are around the same age as the members. of course, there are some older stans in the fandom but they’re multis. for me, this is the only group i have returned to actively write fic for. idk why stans can’t realize comprehend that most fic writers know that… this is obviously fiction 💀 just because i write about two members together doesn’t necessarily mean i think they’re together irl

a lot of newer stans struggle to comprehend rpf fiction because they refuse to look at anything without the weird, puritan view that's been becoming more and more prevelant in kpop fandom. and just in fandom in general, too. and the world, really. stans these days would keel over if they heard what 1st and 2nd gen groups were doing with fanfics, which was actively encouraging. hell, even fucking SM hosted a literal FANFIC CONTEST for tvxq back in the day. idols know of fanfic and are well aware of it, but as long as you keep a barrier between the fics and the idols, it harms no one.

and people don't understand that you can write rpf while being fully aware that these people aren't dating irl. like i'm not delusional that way. i make jokes about it, sure, but i'm not deluding myself into believe any kind of relationship between members. 😭

idk, kpop fandoms these days have become so unkind to writers in general. they enjoy the queerbaiting fanservice, but they refuse to acknowledge the fact that engaging with said fanservice is just like engaging with fics, you're still asking for more "ship" content just in a different way. you don't have to like rpf or agree with it but the least you could do is leave people the fuck alone. unless it is something ACTIVELY harmful and dangerous - like sexualizing minors, or engaging with a minor's nsfw content as an adult creator, or like idk fucking trying to show idols fics or something - then there is 0 reason to be forcing writers out of fandom. most writers don't even try to go outside of their own spaces. they mind their business and create. but unfortunately people can't stand that and they like to force themselves into those spaces because they don't like to let people fucking live.

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