p. · 2mo

hi rain, happy monday (or tuesday, depending on where you are in the world)!! super excited for your ghost tgyv fic - how did you come up with the plot/idea and do you have a favorite line/part of it so far that you can share (if not, totally cool!). also, what's your favorite thing about tgyv and their relationship? who do you think you're more similar to in txt? what's your favorite txt song? andddddd how's your day going? :)

hiii~~ its currently a late monday afternoon for me so thank you! I hope you're having a good day today! my day was alright, I just got home from work (which was fine aside from some creepy guy on the phone who tried to get my personal number :/). as for ghost taegyv i got the idea from a song by the same title (distant streetlights by shae delea) and another song "bite the dust" by adam youngman and Imfinenow. idk something about ghosts in stories really intrigues me, as far as writing goes, idk how my wips all end up with some sort of ghosty element but I'm not complaining lol. my favorite part about it is definitely (newly appointed) reaper!soobin who is just so not paid enough to deal with ghost beomgyu's shenanigans.
as for tgyv in general...they weren't that obvious to me at first..but its the quietness and the gentleness of their love/dynamic if that makes sense? like its just so personal and special and i think one of the things i love about their irl dynamic is whenever th always makes sure bg knows he's listening. th always strikes me as really attentive and aware of the people around him. when he lets someone in, then he's so open and honest and just...yeah. i love him sm. and i think bg is really good at breaking down someone's walls,--he's hyper and fun when he needs to be, but he's in tune with others enough to know when quieter moments are better? i think they balance each other out in a way that is not expected of them outwardly (th being a yapper and bg being the quiet one) but it works for them and i think it's something that I love the most about them.
idrk who i would be most like in txt,,,i would say a mix of th and bg or th and soobin? ahhh im not sure tho >< what vibes do i give off to you? :0 (and also who would you say is your txt twin?)
fave song...this is so hard but thursdays child has far to go and can't you see me...they just do something for me. thursdays child and trust fund baby actually inspired gc (bg's entire character is just trust fund baby on repeat really) and that album is what finally got me to stan i think...but i also really love can't we just leave the monster alive, angel or devil, ghosting, blue hour and our summer,,,(it's so hard to choose adksjhak). what about you? what are your faves? (also so sorry for the LONG reply akahskah i tried to answer everything as briefly as i could ;;; but thank you so so much for the ask bbyy <333)

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