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Plus/Pluto · 8mo

HI RAIN!!!! any spoilers for gc chap 7 👉👈

my little eggbunnieee <33 hi!! spoilers hm,,,lets see,,,, so seeing as this is taehyun’s pov, i can go a bit more in detail about the lore/worldbuilding, so expect a bit more of that!! there’s also going to be some (rather obvious I think) hints as to what the next steps are plot wise. At this point we know the magic is acting weird, something is going on, but it’s time the boys try to actively figure it out, right? especially with the arrival of bg,,the timing seems a bit too perfect for it to be a coincidence. another thing with this chapter, which I didn’t really expect going into the story, but I’m delighted by it nonetheless, is how much of a role Taehyun’s character is taking on? he’s their go to source for technical info, the most in tune with his magical abilities, and therefore more apt to making the decisions regarding what they do. Soobin is their “leader” but this whole problem will prove to be something beyond his scope. I know none of this is very specific, but I hope it gets you excited for ch7!! I feel like we’re approaching a turning point in gc, and moving forward I, alongside bg, and hopefully you, dear readers, are about to find out just how fantastical this whole plot is!!

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