Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

sweet strawberry · 5mo

First of all, you don’t need to apologize. I also don’t mind that you took some time to respond to my message. By the way, have you been busy lately? I rarely see you on my timeline. Have your days been going well recently? I’d love to know more about how you’ve been.

Oh, to make it easier for you, you can call me Canopus.

i appreciate your patience with my tardiness, i owe you! ^__^ it's been a hectic stretch, but i think things are finally easing up this week (hopefully) and i'll be back to make some noise on my timeline :p}xd tapi aku gapapa, cuma sakit pinggang aja sedikit 🤏🏻

anyway, warmest hello to you, Canopus? i'm curious- are you fond of the sky? i bet you shine as brightly as your name. i hope one day i'll get to call you by your name. how’s life treating you these days? have a lot of good things been finding their way to you? just as you’re allowed to be curious, so am i! :9

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