Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

sweet strawberry · 5mo

Hi, this is me again, Canopus. Apa kamu sudah memasuki bagian pemuda pemudi jompo? Jangan sampai sakit pinggangnya berkepanjangan, ya. Are you so curious? /JK. Later I'll explain why I chose 'Canopus' as my pseudonym. My day is quite good but boring, the days are filled with monotonous routines, do you have any activity suggestions for me?

hi canopus! maaf aku baru mampir kesini lagi karena seharian kemarin ikut turun kejalan! (gejala sakit pinggang yang berkepanjangan). i'm still waiting to hear the story behind your choice of pseudonym—i'm genuinely curious! my days aren't much different from yours; they're often filled with routine-boring tasks. but to shake off the monotony, i like to go for strolling around, get some delicious food, spend time with puppies or cats, and try out new activities. it helps me stay a bit productive by exploring new experiences. have you tried?! :p

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