thursday's child · 12mo

just wanted to say thank you for that post about dongwook's comment because i watched the video and immediately felt icked out by his wording but didn't see anyone commenting on it so i thought i might have misinterpreted it (i also had never heard of him before that tweet and didn't think it fit to judge because subtitles aren't always correct and i know nothing about him/his general stances on certain topics). i'm sorry it's attracted all the closet misogynists to you though

hello anon! thankyou for this message. i'm happy i'm not alone but the internal misogyny of all those people really jumped out lmao. i have known ldw for quite a while haven't finished his dramas but I did have plans to, and I might still because I don't think he's a terrible person or anything. he's got flawed thinking, but it's ok, you can't expect everyone to be perfect, neither can you expect too much from cismen growing up in a patriarchy. what was more annoying was the way people reacted :') hate that they used the whole biological fact thing as if it isn't the exact argument transphobes use. hate that they treat koreans as incapable of being progressive bcs "this is alr enough" like how patronizing is that.

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