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snoopy · 3mo

if you could pick one out of Doraemon's pocket, what would you choose? ✨

the anywhere door...(?) is that what you call it? need it so bad so i could go to japan like RIGHT NOW #ButuhLiburan

snoopy · 3mo

ur top three comfort dramas pleaseeee

330 · 3mo

knp bumi gede? soalny klo bumi kcil nmnya miniatur awokawokawok

𖤐 · 3mo

hi valerie! if you were given 2 weeks off right now, how would you spend your time?

hiii rachel! i would stay at home tbh 😭 while rewatching my favorite series hehe. but!! hanging out with my friends & having some quality time with fam would also be fun :]

𝖄𝖎𝖓 · 4mo

hi cece valyyyy! if you're being asked to a date, would you prefer sushi date or gramed date? and why is that so?

hi hi yin 🫶🏻 i'd prefer to have a sushi date! i don't really read books, beli stationery dan semacamnya juga takut kalap.. i also think there's nothing much to do di gramed, jadi sepertinya lebih seru kalo mam bareng :D

snoopy · 4mo

kayaknya kita pernah mutualan di akun lama and i’m glad we met again here!!!

omg iyakah!!! hii i'm not sure who you are but pls know i'm more than glad to know that we could meet again 🥹🫶🏻

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