Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

lil sapper · 12mo

tinyn4p for you :●)
as soon as t0ny ended his stream he plummets into little space, he curls in his blanky and whines until t0ny finally enters the room, its still fairly new to him, s4p only explaining after being caught calling g30rge 'daddy' in his headspace and t0ny being confused at his slurred speech and childlish tone. anyways s4pn4p reaches up to him with grabby hands and t0ny smiles picking him up you must be so tired, huh bub? and s4pn4p nods sadly. he feeds him and gets him a shower & they cuddle

he gets bathed so gentle and T can hold him in his arms so easily :((( he's so baby around T oughh

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