Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

lil sapper · 12mo

s having a hard day already and tries to play val to relax somehow but ends up getting more and more frustrated because he’s playing bad and ppl online are so mean that he accidentally regresses

d feeling like s has been quiet all day so he goes upstairs to check on him only to find tinyn4p absolutely sobbing at his desk with his headphones on the floor and he’s been kicked from his game for inactivity. he immediately feels bad and greets s softly and asks him if he’s feeling small to which s nods and d coos at him and takes care of him

Oughhhh he tries to play his comfort game :( but he's just a baby and there's lile three random guys yelling at him and kicking him from the match when they hear him crying and he's just /devastated/

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