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beansprout · 1mo

how did you motivate yourself in your "my art isn't good and i don't know how to get better" phase (everyone has one, don't lie to me (i'm in mine right now :') ))

First off, acknowledging that it IS just a phase, knowing it will pass is super important!!
What I do if I really dont feel like drawing is just watching or playing something that I know can inspire me or give me ideas!
And if I do draw, I try not to put too much pressure on myself and do some low stakes stuff (sketches, comfort characters etc,) maybe even try and study a little

I hope this helps!!

beansprout · 1mo

Hiiii do u mind personal questions

beansprout · 2mo

Okay Beanz let set it in a competition with your OC's who got the win in flexibility?

beansprout · 1mo

on my hands and knees BEGGING to see rosa get her butt destroyed by 🐴🍆

beansprout · 1mo

Do you have any more lactation art in the pipeline? Either OC or fanart it don’t matter.

beansprout · 1mo

Ehe how about Teine working out nude

You're the third person to say this (or maybe the same LOL)

definitely on the list 😈

Luna91 · 1mo

Suzie at the country fair winning a ribbon! Maybe for "unusual" shaped vegtables.

beansprout · 1mo

Any reason you don't draw Teine anymore?? She seems So popular!!

Not really anything in particular! I do want to draw her more though, got quite a few ideas of what to do with her >:)

Luna91 · 1mo

Which of your OC's would be most likely to viset a bathhouse/hot spring? Might be a fun idea for a draw.

I think all of them would love a good soak! I've done a hot spring piece or two in the past, but another sounds like fun :D

beansprout · 1mo

Would Teine even wear a swimsuit?
Leah in a swimsuit sounds good too

She IS the swimsuit

Leah on the other hand,,, gonna have to find one with good support >:)

beansprout · 1mo

I wanna see some more beach/swimsuit stuff from you!

beansprout · 2mo

Teine is based and ibget feral when I see her. Please bless us with more of her or that other crazy Celtic lady you drew

beansprout · 2mo

Are any of the moms big sports fans?

beansprout · 2mo

Who's the most unironically unhornily sweet mom in the cast?

beansprout · 2mo

For mothers day- who in your cast likes being called a milf the most? Who likes it the least?

ELSJE 100% loves the attention, as for the least, well it'd have to be Suzie, while she doesn't mind it, she'd probably be a bit weirded out

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