Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 5mo

long time enjoyer, first time asker, LOVE UR STUFF BTW IT GIVES ME JOY, 2 questions for u bossman.. bosswoman, the kitchen theres a box of those packs of chocolate, powders and plain donuts, how do nss go about this, whos WHO WAT WAR FOLLOWS?
2.🙏 more fics pls i love ur version of nss no one gets them like u do, i need more to survive this coming winter.. pls?

Thank you!
1. Sasuke doesn't like sweets so he's out. Ns probably divides the donuts until there's one left. Then they fight (sakura wins via gag hit).
2. I'm gonna try to make more! 😤

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