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anon <3 · 4mo

Oh! I meant more when character A is kind of frozen in time, and character B is still in his flow and at this moment of meeting when B has already experienced a lot, and A kind of stayed at that moment in time when they were together and lagged behind him and no longer feels like a part of the life of the second

OHHHHHHH i understand now, sorry, i've been stuck in sci-fi brain lately 🤭 but i totally agree that this is such an interesting au! huge potential for angst but i like when it has a happy ending. i'm a wimp who can't handle unrequited love lol but for some reason, yvng! came to mind when you mentioned this trope... specifically yh as character A and mg as character B. something related to them as trainees and eventually (almost) group members? ouchie i played myself haha but thank you so much for picking my brain about this!! and i'd love to hear your thoughts for this au too <33

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