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anon <3 · 4mo

Milking such large-scale au, I prefer a complex deal out of all 8, You can, if you wish, maximize your vision of dynamics, it can also be shown how the loss of even one can both rally and destroy the bond. If we take couples specifically, then I prefer chamber (?) au, where you can take a closer look at the relationship

ohhh okay anon so you mean you'd rather focus on 1-2 pairings in a large-scale au than juggling an ot8 or "everyone is in a couple" situation? or if it's ot8, looking more at how one person's presence can make or break the group? if so, totally valid! i have a bad habit of putting everyone in a relationship in my fics lol. but what do you mean by chamber au exactly? just curious and want to make sure i'm understanding correctly! thanks for the ask!!!

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