♥︎ · 6mo

eh pls i'm one of ur followers dan disini cm mau kasih tau aja. kalo emang bukan kamu yang spread hate anonymously ke retro mantanmu dan pacar barunya EDUCATE your friends about that to STOP. kalo emang kamu 'girls support girls' dan aware soal spread kindness seperti feeds kamu yang sweetheart-like banget itu tell them to STOP and clarify things, clear your name out of it. nama kamu udah jelek banget dimana-mana karena itu. mungkin km merasa ur ex deserve all that but that doesnt make you and ur friends right, thanks. enjoy.

hi! thank you for telling me this, i don’t know whether a friend or a careless person has been sending my ex and his new girlfriend hates but i know no one deserve to be hated and i will make sure to tell people to stop. thank you.

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