Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

͟͟͞➳♡・Evil ∆lex 𓏴 Bernadette · 6 answers · 8mo

ミ☆ SOTD : Sprawling Idiot Effigy - Nero ' s Day in Disneyland , " Lust cries, running with his eyes / A white - clad figure , fleeting / Mud burns in his eyes , but desire burns his mind "

➷ QOTD : What ' s something you feel like nobody else will understand about you ?


how easily i can go from liking someone to hating their guts like i have a kill switch in my brain shlawg

How I chooze 2 drezz, I feel like. I drezz in a very unordinary manner, or at leazt really want 2.

I feel like nobody will just understand that im a whimsical gal / j
in all honesty im sure nobody will understand how attached i become to characters , and how they become my number one source for comfort . ( if any of that makes sense )
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