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͟͟͞➳♡・Evil ∆lex 𓏴 Bernadette · 7 answers · 8mo


SOTD: First Punch - PTV
QOTD: Whats a moment from a game that makes you giggle a bit too much?

Personal Answer ~ I dont think I have one? Usually its when someone breaks a game.

i think in little nightmares 2 when you pick up the gnomes and befriend them you can throw them around and hug them too

Animal Crossing (N64/GCN). When you donate a cockroach to the museum, then enter the bug exhibit, there is a warning saying "Attention! That cockroach is a valuable specimen donated by [player name]! Please do not step on it!"

the moment in the game called my life when my boyfriend broke up with me because i’m too mentally unstable

Book 1 of Twisted Wonderland
When you meet Leona for the first time because you stepped on his tail while he was napping in the garden. He gets upset and one of the choice responses is “Please!! I don’t have dental insurance!!”

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