͟͟͞➳♡・Evil ∆lex 𓏴 Bernadette · 6 answers · 20d

why is every resource on to hell and back BLOCKED
this Chromebook hates me I JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE I WAS RIGHT

✐『SOTD: Perfectly Sweet - Vane Lily』
✎【QOTD: If you had an OC, and they became real, what kind of chaos would that create?】

which oc?
they're all pretty chill... except Naev... actually I think he'd just be addicted to the internet and cause a bunch of drama and eventually end up getting doxxed or whatever. he'll be fine

uhh .....
😨 😰 which OC ... cuz i have a whole species that would def cause world destruction ...


Well some people might die but shhhh pay more attention to the fact that they're reallyyyyy awesome

I have so many os but i guess ill go with belladonna atm
shx would most definitely just lurk in the shadows. that's it. just lurking.
- 🪦

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