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Nonnie🐁 · 1y

I have a simple dream of living in a two-bedroom apartment with my pets and buying an old car to work on. Before, I was kind of thinking an old sports car. But, I need you to know that Dive with You has shifted that dream to an old pick-up truck and I have been hurting myself by lusting after old pick-up trucks for sale near me. Thank you for adding a wonderful spin to my little dream <3

For starters, your dream sounds absolutely wonderful and I hope you're able to get it. Second of all, I'm weirdly honored to have inspired you so. We used to have an old pick-up truck just like the one I described in the story and I loved it. The whole bench seat spreading across the front, I just love it, and I thought Soobin would just look awesome driving one of those. Anyway, thank you for this lovely message and for reading my story, Snaily Nonnie!! You have a fantastic day!! 💙

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