Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

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Hello, all... I apologize for the usage of the Ask-All feature. However, I was recently made aware of something that I believe could be a good learning opportunity about misinformation/disinformation. โ€” This is long, and for that, I do apologize. Please do not use this as an excuse to harass or fakeclaim others; this was not made for that. This was to spread awareness and to be used as a learning opportunity.

I say it in the Rentry, and I will say it again โ€” Do not take any of this as medical advice! I am not a doctor or a medical professional, nor am I licensed or qualified to give medical advice, nor can I diagnose anyone especially over the internet (and likely, neither can you). This was not meant to be medical advice. This was created to be informational and educational about the spread of false information (which spreads commonly online, though can offline as well).

If I have gotten something wrong, please do correct me (politely). I am open to education and to be informed!

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