โœš๐“ˆ’ แด—)ใ€€ใ€€๐‚ฏใ€€๐“ˆ’โ €โ €๏น• ยท 7 answers ยท 1mo

I freak out when someone says, โ€œOh, but people have worse interests out there, yours is probably not that bad!โ€ Then stare at me after I tell them one of my interests is a fucking fnaf dating sim, like youโ€™re liar? Liar Liar pants on fire?

Iโ€™ve spent to long on this game, I can memorize everything in a second, donโ€™t play with me chat. Also, if you know what Iโ€™m talking about, no you donโ€™t. I will whisper into your ear, that you have not a clue about what I mentioned.

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