Fellow Sword Enjoyer · 1y

How your swords are doing? :D Did you make peace with Sasanunu?

my swords are working quite hard these days, both in osaka and other happenings in the citadel! it’s probably the end of year buzz, lots of stuff coming soon after all!

Sasanunu…..we’ve reached a point where i’m simply granting him the space to do whatever he would like, and I just make it a point not to reach out to him at all, since every attempt seems to push him further away. it’s not like he’s miserable or anything, he HAS made friends(thank goodness) and he does his share of chores around the citadel(he seems to enjoy laundry from what i’ve heard). what’s more, he never asks me for anything or makes any assignment request. i suppose this means we’ve agreed to give each other space for now 😔

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