Fellow Sword Enjoyer · 1y

how are your swords doing. what are they up to

i’ve left new years’ preparations in everyone else’s hands because they know how it’s celebrated better than i do hehe.

meanwhile, tomoe is taking end-of-year stock in anticipation of the new sword and is currently trying to convince me to set a spending limit during the campaign (i think she prefers being frugal to be able to curb my impulses lololol)

poor little aruji (me) who is weak to the cold is spending most of her winter days holed up in her room and doesnt go out unless she’s wearing ten thousand layers.

lastly, here’s an interesting update: inaba has grown closer than ever to the other gous and so is spending much more time with them, which is great!! it took him a bit to open up to them(kotegiri especially) but it’s hard to keep up a cold/stoic front when they’re all so friendly 😭 but oh? what’s this? his increased time spent with the gous has led to him not paying as much attention to himetsuru anymore, leading to hime(fickle little thing) growing bored…??? and fukushima is taking this as a sign to retry his attempts at courting..?!??

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