Fellow Sword Enjoyer · 1y

write about your favourite nicknames for your swords?

oooh! i think if youve been following me a while youre probably familiar with “juwo”, “oogwee” and “kash money”(he still hates it LOL) but i have many many nicknames for basically every sword i own, all of which i keep track of!

i have some non-standard ones that sooorta have stories behind them? “non-standard” as in not just shortened ones or adding “-chan” etc. mostly in english! here are some of them i think are worth talking about!

lightning bug - this is kind of an obvious one! hotarumaru is a firefly, and another term for fireflies is lightning bugs! better than “glow worm” at least 🤣 i also call him “potaru” out of endearment<3

nightflower - nukemaru came to us during the fireworks event, which was called “operation nightflower recapture” in EN, and i thought he looked so hauntingly beautiful with the bg that i just. ended up calling him that. i think it suits him quite well! i also sometimes call him “swallowtail”, for more obvious reasons

xinzi - this came from a mistranslation(?) of suishinshi’s name where 水心子 was detected as chinese and translated into english as the reading “Shui Xinzi” and idk i just found it kinda adorable!! the added layer of “suishinshi” already being fully comprised of onyomi makes it funnier imo lol. there’s also “shuishui” which is a less common variation of the same thing hehe

old fox(kogitsunemaru)
old blade (mikazuki)

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