Fellow Sword Enjoyer · 1y

it’s boardgame night! which swords came, and what games did they all play?

oh gosh....there's this one board game my family and i like to play called Takenoko, it's about growing bamboo and feeding a panda. i feel like it's played quietly in my citadel though, just a relaxing and relatively chill way to pass time. niwa would probably most often play it with mutsu, yasu, kiyomaro, and manba.

honestly i dont have enough board game experience to really answer this in depth, im sorry anon...! i do enjoy a game of Exploding Kittens once in a while though...and i'm thinking Scrabble would be great for english vocab/spelling practice with really low stakes? chess is easy enough to teach but once niwa teaches them once for them to play with each other she won't really play herself.

if the swords are curious enough about board games, they can research and play amongst themselves and i'll get them sets if they want. it's great bc it's a Modern Human Thing that not just the younger swords easily get into, but a lot of the older swords pick up p enthusiastically as well! fun for all ages hahaha

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