Fellow Sword Enjoyer · 1y

good day boss, WHAT is kashuu's opinion on anakin skywalker

DO NOT talk to kashuu about star wars rn he does NOT want to talk about it

yes i made all the bakumatsu swords(and some others) watch the prequels. some liked it, some loved it, but kashuu in particular..."aruji i cant believe you like this crap." yes hes jealous

he does NOT like anakin and he does NOT approve of the fact that i am enamored with and claiming to relate to him. aruji no WAY youre anything like this LUNATIC!

told him i was always more attracted to obi-wan, his response: wh...s...so you....you like that type huh.....strokes his jaw where he doesnt have a beard you like that huh.....

[anyway the real reason he doesnt like anakin is because i told him beforehand that star wars defined all my tastes growing up and the fact that i like anakin so much paired with the fact that i like HIM so much doesnt really bode well for what that says about him as a person and he cant accept that those two things may or may not be entirely unrelated to each other. jokes on him. i actually think he's more similar to luke but he hasnt seen the original trilogy yet so dont tell him i said that]

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