Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous · 3mo

everything from ask game

Hi sorry i saw this late uuhhhhhh
🎼 ~ sad girl sex - deco*27
❄️ ~ i only like box macaroni for some reason.. whenever my parents make it i cant enjoy it but oh man put a bowl of kraftdinner in front of me and ill be done in 5 seconds
🎨 ~ recently round7 of alnst came out.. ive been a very very VERY casual fan for all this while but my friends are all talking about it (speficially cassiel + ruzan.. hi) so im actually going to sit up and watch it..... mizi looks so pretty ahhhh
🎀 ~ over the summer i had this really horrible burnout/crash where i was super depressed and upset and could barely get out of bed.. this lasted from may - just a couple days before my birthday, and during those times my gf used to try to cheer me up by staying up late with me and streaming her playing various coolmath games like cookie clicker and run 3.. it didnt always help but im really glad for all the times it did help because she was so nice... uuuuu.......

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