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mooky · 6mo

What are your Michael Afton headcanons

I'm GLAD YOU ASKED.. I'll spare you a few

  1. He has autism but is in heavy denial about it and thinks autism isn't real. He gets very defensive when you tell him he should get tested.

  2. He likes romantic smooth sounding songs.. Idk abt any specific artists but something along the lines of Careless whisper

  3. He was the only sibling born in Europe and moved to the states at a very young age. His dad forced his British accent on him.

  4. He loves eating hes very happy when hes well fed he will eat an entire fast food menu and not gain much weight he has a very fast metabolism. Strange creature. I think he likes steaks

  5. He's touch starved and very jumpy when it comes to physical affection + awkward but once he gets used to it he can be very affectionate and loving

  6. His neighbors were scared of him initially bc he was just really awkward and quiet that they made up rumors about him like he did blood sacrifices in his basement or whatever and I guess one of the neighbors spied on him someday and found out he's just some guy who likes watching tv

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