Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

mooky · 5mo

No cost too great.
No voice to cry suffering.
You will bind the light that plagues their dreams.
You are the Pure Vessel.
You are the Hollow Knight.

And Gandalf the Grey
and Gandalf the White
and "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"s Black Knight
and Bento Mussolini
and the Blue Meanie
and Cowboy Curtis
and Jambi the Genie
The Terminator
Captain Kirk
Darth Vader
Lo-pan, Superman
Every single Power Ranger
Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan
Spock, the Rock, Doc Ock and Hulk Hogan

All came out of no where, lightning fast, and they kicked Chuck Norris in his cowboy ass...

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