Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more


Males isi.

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Anonymous Coward · 22h

Could you reject me so I can move on, please? hahaha. 🥲

Anonymous Coward · 5d

Have you set your eyes on someone?

Anonymous Coward · 13d

Hi Abi. I've been keeping an eye on you since the first we met. Tell me, what kind of topic do you prefer when you're on 1on1 conversation? Please do tell me in details and I promise I'll show up to your door in just a flash.


Hey! how about discussing movies or food? perhaps we could share recommendations with each others, and you might suggest some excellent foods.

Anonymous Coward · 23d

We’ve DMed before—I still wanted to get to know you, but you stopped replying, so I thought you might not be interested. Now I’m curious, though—do you stop replying because people annoy you, or is it more just about your mood?

I didn't mean it, but I'm quite confused about the topics or stuck to answer them. You can dm me or give me the hint, I'll get back to you.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

why do we stop talking?

I sincerely apologize because I don’t recall that. Have we ever spoken? If so, which conversation are you referring to? feel free to slide into my dms.

HELENA. · 1mo

Itu katanya males isi bionya. Kenapa di isi? Jadinya males apa diisi? Coba jawab dulu, mas.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

akunnya ganti atau hanya usernamenya?

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

mas kangen aku gak?

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Hi mas Abiy! How are you? -Khansa

Hey, I'm doing well, Khansa. It’s been a while since we last spoke. How have you been? Are you still around?

Agnia. · 4 answers · 2mo

nia gak ada mau nanya sih, tapi nia mau cheer up semua teman nia di sini. kalian gimana kabarnya? nia harap selaku baik baik aja, seandainya ada hal buruk melewati hari kalian, nia minta maaf karena itu terjadi ke kalian. nia harap kebahagiaan yang lebih besar buat mengganti hal yang gak baik itu. makan makanan yang enak dan teratur, minum airnya jangan ditinggal, terus kalau capek ya istirahat. nia harap kalian selalu dilancarkan rejeki dan harinya, serta selalu dilindungi oleh tuhan. cheer up? 🖤

Semoga Agnia dan penulis selalu di kelilingi orang baik serta di jauhkan orang orang toxic.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Okay! by the way I am a chatty person (re: bawel dikit) I will control myself if you mind, Mas Abiy! to be honest i'm still nervous but you're catch my attention, and wait me to knock your DMs request around this week?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

You’re always look so attractive ㅋㅋ let me be your buddies and see you Mas Abiy!

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