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Anonymous Coward · 2mo

hi! hope your well~ has there been any updates on the shuca merch?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Hi, is it possible to do a GO or maybe an interest check for this? https://x.com/doodle_xw/status/1786731391369269696

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Sorry for the autocorrect: Mint's genshin group order from last year?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Would you consider opening for their mail order?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Any updates for chb0n113, madishon orders? They may be cf18 orders so no pressure if not! I've just been sick for over a weel and was worried about missing anything

both cf18 orders no update on shipping as most artist are busy with con prep/work

Anonymous Coward · 2mo
Anonymous Coward · 2mo

hello! i was wondering if there was any update on the cf17 kakyoriya goods? thank you for all your hard work <3

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

do you have any updates for dms on ina 9?

everyone in ina 9 should have received dms in March I have a lot of unpaid dms at the moment

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Was there a second payment for the aventurine/dr ratio plaushes?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Is there an update to the xogieve GO?

no been shipped to me yet please note that many cf18 artist don’t ship out until after cf18 is over

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Hello! Sorry to bother but are there any updates on the sspx00 b2 go?

arrived and is part of address form #12 please look at update tag for how the items will be shipped

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

hello! i hope you are doing well. i was wondering on updates for this https://x.com/ttokkiorders/status/1740825269022449707! it also isn't on the masterlist, sorry if im not looking at the ml correctly. thank you!

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Hi ying! Wondering if there's any update on the Ruu_GI go from may 2023? Just hoping I didn't miss anything 🧐

It was completed in December expect for one person if you haven’t received it you most likely didn’t pay ems or dms

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

if it's been a little bit past dms batch 3 and u havent paid, do items go up for reclaim again? or can we still pay for dms and have them shipped out 😵‍💫 sorry for not checking sooner!

you can still pay but I will be starting to implement a due date due to the fact I have orders almost a year order and I can’t keep them anymore

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