Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
God bless mini map for being added 🙏 Now I won't have to look weird for going around the map to find my friends
Hi guys, new retrospring theme, please check it out <3
I love when stage actors do a high note on a song that's performed live .. IT'S SO. 😭😭😭
how I feel when half of the people in my party's dead and only 3 of them even come online .
does anyone wanna sit with me in pt. . 😢
I love getting my friends into certain medias I'm insane about ( ex. stageplay ), it's like I'm dragging them into hell 🥰
sometimes I like shading in ponytown, sometimes I don't
what the heck is a charts, was games not enough for them to describe it as such ??? 😭
ave mujica
I'm cathy and I'm a mom making a difference pls deco my tree
Rate skin so far
Love being interested in Fashion , hehehe, I have SO many ideas for an outfit sketch
I finished a fic after I abandoned it for a while now .. maybe read it guys, trust me it's my OCship
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