➼ Ai ⸝ Cassiel ⁵²⁰ · 1mo

📝🧠💭 waves

📝 ⨾ Nijigahara Holograph by Inio Asano.
🧠 ⨾ Not a lot, really. I got weirdly engrossed in a discussion with a friend of mine regarding 2010’s ‘young adult’ TV shows. Not all of them, the ones that have that weird intersection between the 2000’s trash & late 2010’s trash. Think 2007-2013. Despite those kinds being pretty similar to 2000’s media, they’re still different. I think 2016 is a very definitive year where everything on TV kind of ‘shifted’ though…This is a whole lot of nothing; It shows that my thoughts tend to circle.
💭 ⨾ Bart Huges

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