Anonymous Coward · 10mo

heyyy!!! i know this might be difficult to answer but what do you think influenced your style the most? love your art btw!! hope you have a nice day 🫶🏻

hi anon! omg this is indeed kind of hard to answer but i will try to keep it as short as i can! i would say a lot of time spent on pinterest is one of the things that still influence me the most, i like scrolling through a lot of different arts and see what i like about each of them. another big one is other fanartists also the ones not from kpop fandoms! for example i used to be very into viria's artstyle (i still love it to this day). and i read A LOT of webtoons i would say they are one of my biggest inspirations:) i hope this answered your question at least a bit:> and thank you so much i hope you have a nice day as well<3

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