Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Xavier · 1y

Twizziee!! I need to know, whats your opinion on like needy touchy Craig? Like, Tweek and him are having sex and Craig is just all over him, leaving love bits on his neck and stomach, moving his hands all around him, just giving him the most attention everr. Tweek loves ittt 💕

Absolutely! Ab-so-lute-ly! Craig is touchy already in day to day life, of course hes touchy during sex 😖 craig lovesss to bite and just in general taste tweek, and squishes all his adorable plush body. Tweek can be insecure about his body and craig will just like not even say anything and start fondling and kissing all over his body to make him feel attractive, cuz to craig hes the hottest thing in the universe. Its rare to see tweek without any kind of mark on his body after sex.

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