anonymous twirliroll · 1y

How do you tackle streaming and being social? Do you ever get so anxious you can’t start doing it? Is there anything you do to overcome that?

um, for being social during stream - firstly i'm fortunate to have a nice community that i'm comfy enough to talk with!! how i socialize with my audience/community is by trying to be engaging. i ask questions, i try to remember things from the past conversations/topics to talk with, tell stories of what i heard or had happened to me like my weekend or so, go on tangents, whatever i'm comfortable with. there are times when it does get VERY quiet or i just get no answer at all, that to me means i don't have to be social. 😅 i either go back to focus on drawing, sing along to songs or talk to the void... if it's a game, i kind of just either get quiet or i narrate what i'm doing. it really depends sometimes.

i do get anxious sometimes. on days where it's hard to be social through talking, i'll just have muted streams. sometimes i would like company but don't have energy to be really social, so those streams are more like a co-working session. it helps when everyone is nice, comfy and supportive during times like those they help me overcome it 🥺💖 this is definitely more for my own personal experience and streams though, it's different for every streamer!!

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