Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 4mo

Pssst Doom!!!! Got any prediction for Azul's or the Tweels Relax in room card for 2025?

Idk enough to try to guess other than everyone might be wearing baggy clothes so I'm going to say my headcanon for them even if it doesn't line up with official.

Floyd wears just a tank top. He's supposed to wear something over but he doesn't want to. Plus some extra pair of shorts because he wants his legs unrestricted.
Jade wears big comfy sweat shirt and sweat pants that match. They are plain but have little mushrooms on the front of the shirt.
They both don't like restrictive clothing so it's funny if they do it in opposite ways but more likely they have matching lounge wear they might wear different.
Azul likes wearing like fancy brand purple silk pajamas or something that he thinks makes him look good. He has an eyemask because he likes darkness.

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